Kodoja: Terror Mountain Showdown

  • Model: KOD_01
  • Shipping Weight: 0.25lbs
What do giant monsters, comics and cool, groovy music all have in common? Well, in the case of the multimedia project Kodoja: Terror Mountain Showdown, quite a lot, actually.
The story of the comic concerns a military robot prototype built in the
60’s. Designed to be the ultimate weapon, complete with ..
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What do giant monsters, comics and cool, groovy music all have in common? Well, in the case of the multimedia project Kodoja: Terror Mountain Showdown, quite a lot, actually.
The story of the comic concerns a military robot prototype built in the
60’s. Designed to be the ultimate weapon, complete with laser eyes,
retractable fists and a highly advanced computer brain capable of
learning, the robot proves to be a little too effective during a
field simulation when the testing area ends up completely obliterated.
Around the same time, a mysterious sea quake takes place in the Pacific
ocean as all the marine life flees en masse from the epicenter. Sounds
like a recipe for an eventual giant monster/giant robot altercation to