Family Games Inc.


Checkers Poctket Play

Checkers Poctket Play

Description: Be first to checkmate your opponent's king. Checkmate occurs when you attack your opponent's king and your opponent is unable to make... more info
Chess Pocket Play

Chess Pocket Play

Description: Be first to checkmate your opponent's king. Checkmate occurs when you attack your opponent's king and your opponent is unable to make a... more info
Cribbagbe Pocket Play

Cribbagbe Pocket Play

Description: The first player to circle the track wins.  Make 61 or 121 points depending on the desired length of game. The game is played with a... more info
Pentominoes Pocket Play

Pentominoes Pocket Play

Description: Solve one of the many 2-D or 3-D puzzles. The player may also wish to build entirely new patterns or structures using the 12 different... more info
Reversi Pocket Play

Reversi Pocket Play

Description: Reverse the most pieces to your color and win. Turn over as many pieces as possible so that your color is predominant at the end of... more info
Tangram Pocket Play

Tangram Pocket Play

Description: Solve a puzzle silhouette or form new patterns. Produce a given silhouette using seven pieces of the same color. Form animals,... more info