It is the nature of technology to become smaller and smaller over time. Today's microprocessor was yesterday's transistors, and yesteryear's vacuum... more info
Sometimes you want your horrific monstrosities in tiny, pint-sized form. It's true! An earthquake is scary, but a mini earthquake just tickles! And... more info
It's difficult to carry a concealed dragon. You may desire a spontaneous campfire or occasional s'moore, but unless you've got some serious upper... more info
Yes, I think we're all in agreement that a Fox is the best thing that could ever happen, right next to finding alien life on another planet and... more info
Narwhals are not mythical! Why does no one believe me about this one? Does that sweet little face just seem too cute? Does the adorable spotted hide... more info
"Excuse me, is that an owl in your pocket or are you just happy to see me... and also wearing pockets that look like an owl?" The next time... more info
A metaphysical conundrum: Is a Giant Panda still giant when it is, in fact, a Mini Panda ? Yes! yes it is! Giant is a state of mind, not a measure of... more info
Squishable Alligator
This squishy is better in your arms than in your pool! Get him because you're a gator fan! Keep him because of your secret and embarrassing reptile... more info
Squishable Octopus
No need to hide the schoolgirls, this well-mannered octopus just wants to be friends! Hug him! Take him to restaurants! Introduce him to your... more info
Squishable Panda
Oooh, a Panda! Is anything more nifty? I think not! But why are they so darn awesome? It's not their diet, which seems designed to ensure starvation.... more info
Squishable Piggy
My goodness but this is a lovely little pig! He is not for frying up with eggs and toast! He is for hugging and perhaps throwing at people! Oink... more info
Squishable Rhino
Anyone who was raised on Kipling's 'Just So Stories' can tell you how the rhino got its baggy skin. Which always seemed so unfair, I mean, only a... more info
Squishable Rooster
It's a chicken of the the masculine persuasion! And what a studly example of virile chickenhood he is - look at that snowball body and those red... more info
Squishable Snail
Snails! They can live pretty much anywhere from desert to snow! They can breath in the water and survive long droughts! They can... glide around on a... more info
Squishable T-Rex
Psychology 101 says that humans deal with scary situations by making jokes. It's true! Say you were a proto-mammal out in the primeval savanna, and... more info
Squishable Tortoise
Oh what a handsome tortoise! He is impervious to rent prices, but not to your love! So loooove him, you silly thing, self-domiciled reptiles have... more info